1. 个人经历
2005-09至2008-06,西安建筑科技大学(中国环境科学研究院联合培养),环境与市政工程学院,硕士,导师:王志远 教授/卢少勇 研究员
2012-09至2017-12 bat365在线官网登录,资源环境学院,讲师;
2. 研究方向:河湖(库)点源和面源污染过程机理研究及水生态修复。
3. 主要贡献:针对高原湖泊生态系统中氮磷及有毒有害污染物的全过程输移规律、迁移轨迹及多种污染物在迁移过程中的相互作用,开展抗生素抗性基因、有机磷阻燃剂、重金属等典型微污染物在输移过程中对湖泊水生态的影响及其阻控技术等工作。
4. 主持或参与科研项目
(2)中国环境科学研究院,横向项目,2021010, 典型高原湖泊农业面源污染阻控新模式及高品质生态示范区建设技术研究项目,2021-08至2021-12,15万元,结题,主持
(8)云南省科技厅,应用基础研究青年项目,2013FD051, 抚仙湖浮游藻类群落结构演替及增殖行为研究,2013-09至2016-09,4.5万元,结题,参与。
5. 主要论文成果(中文核心或以上)
(1)Xiaohui Liu, Jiamin Xu, Ying Liu, Xuan Zhang, Shaoyong Lu*, Bin Zhao*, Xiaochun Guo, Jian Zhang, Beidou Xi, Fengchang Wu. Stable and efficient sulfamethoxazole and phosphorus removal by an electrolysis-integrated bio-rack constructed wetland system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021.(SCI, IF: 13.273, 中科院1区)
(2) Bin Zhao,Jiamin Xu,Guodong Zhang,Shaoyong Lu*,Liangxing Li,Ming Li. Occurrence of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in the Fuxian Lake and antibiotic source analysis based on principal component analysis-multiple linear regression model. Chemosphere, 2021 , 262: 127741. (SCI, IF: 7.086, 中科院2区)
(3) Bin Zhao, Bin Bi, Shaoyong Lu*, Xiaohui Liu, Baosen Ni. Occurrence and risk assessment of heavy metals in urban water systems of Beijing, China. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 208: 312-321. (SCI, IF:1.254, 中科院4区)
(4) Bin Zhao, Ying Liu, Wenping Dong, Ming Li, Shaoyong Lu, Weiliang Wang*, Yuqi Fan*. Occurrence and fate of ten sulfonamide antibiotics in typical wastewater treatment plants in the City of Jinan of Northeastern China. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 206: 340-348. (SCI, IF: 1.254, 中科院4区)
(5) Xiaohui Liu, Yongqiang Wang, Shaoyong Lu*, Ying Liu, Bin Zhao, Beidou Xi*, Xiaochun Guo, Wei Guo, Jian Zhang; Intensified sulfamethoxazole removal in an electrolysis-integrated tidal flow constructed wetland system, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 390: 124545. (SCI, IF: 13.273, 中科院1区)
(6) Ying Liu, Xiaohui Liu*, Shaoyong Lu*, Bin Zhao, Zhi Wang, Beidou Xi, Wei Guo; Adsorption and biodegradation of sulfamethoxazole and ofloxacin on zeolite: influence of particle diameter and redox potential. Chemical Engineering Journal,2020, 384: 123346. (SCI, IF: 13.273, 中科院1区)